The Product

Phone Box

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Phone Box

(120 customer reviews)


Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.


Perfect for when you leave your Strappy Dress in the room. Lace and Satin binding dress.

Cotton fabric. Textured finish. Straight design. Detachable bow at the waist. V-neck neckline. Sleeveless.

These measures have been calculated for a 6 size.

Additional information

Side length

1.5 in

Back length

3. 5 in


S, M, L, XL

120 reviews for Phone Box

  1. Magnus

    I like the logo but not the color.

  2. Maria

    Three letters, one word: WOO!

  3. VecClupe

  4. VefjClupe

  5. Knrhdtarty

  6. VBtkjClupe

  7. Kppkddtarty

  8. VBtqkjClupe

  9. Kppkrntarty

  10. VBsgcClupe

  11. Kpbdftarty

  12. VcrhdvClupe

  13. Ktmvtarty

  14. VnrvcClupe

  15. CelskaClupe

  16. CeltgaClupe

  17. CnrvClupe

  18. CmrvClupe

  19. Knrcvtarty

  20. CtmbClupe

  21. Kntmvtarty

  22. CtrnfClupe

  23. Knttntarty

  24. CnrvClupe

  25. Kymctarty

  26. CtnfClupe

  27. XthfAlkar

  28. CtnClupe

  29. Syhkfance

  30. Kthtarty

  31. XjeAlkar

  32. Shefance

  33. CtjClupe

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  35. Smgfance

  36. CnntClupe

  37. XmtfAlkar

  38. Sndufance

  39. CrmmClupe

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  41. Kmehtarty

  42. CrndClupe

  43. Ktncxtarty

  44. XnrAlkar

  45. CrhcClupe

  46. Kmevtarty

  47. Srthvfance

  48. XnrAlkar

  49. CrhcClupe

  50. Srthvfance

  51. Kmevtarty

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  53. Stehfance

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  83. CnnyClupe

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  96. BcedAlkar

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  105. CtkoClupe

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